January Recap – Cold prison, the pile, daydreaming
Category : Les CabtualitésDate : February 1, 2022
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing good! As I’m writing this, Quebec is sluggishly getting out of yet another round of curfew and restaurant closings. I can’t wait to draw with some friends over beer and coffee again, guh!
Normally, I open with some weather news because 1) I like small talk 2) if you lived here, you know how it rules over every other aspect of our lives and 3) it’s basically free complaint-fodder. But this month man, this month was TEDIOUS. January is never fun, but a wave of relentless, bitter cold just swooped over the city for weeks and made getting ready for each outing a part-time job. Some days I decided just not to go out, which I never do and opted to stay inside, huddled around my space heater.It was rough for the morale but I think the worst is behind us (hopefully!)
To be honest, the timing of this awful cold snap/lockdown wasn’t too bad. I doubled down on work, having literally nothing else to do, and finished inking Utown on January 6. 203 pages of inked comic look real sexy, so I did what every cartoonist do and took some pictures of The Pile. The amount of love I got after posting them really lifted my mood! As we speak, Utown is, in all intent and purpose, done, with only minor corrections left to put in. The post-prod stage–between finishing the pages and the actual launch of the book– is such a weird liminal space. I want to celebrate the most mundane milestone (because I’m exhausted and proud of my work), knowing well that from now on, I’ll have less and less control over how things go. It’s a hell of a ride!
If you want to take a peek at what it was like, inking all these pages, I made a TikTok account on which I uploaded most of my process videos. Watching someone work is like special ASMR for me, so I hope it’s pleasant to you as well. I hope to do more of these in the future!
Bertrand et Moi, the book series I illustrated for FonFon came out in stores too! So between raking my brain on how to illustrate the cover of an essay on weed without being too obvious, promoting the books and finishing Utown, you could say it was an eventful start of the year. The way I like ’em 😛 I still took some time to finish this Edwin picture I had lying around. Drawing for fun is fun!
And as if my office wasn’t messy enough, I started another kind of pile. I could put the CDs back in their box (I will) but I like having having ’em around. I don’t miss post-college Cab, but I still like her tastes in music! Don’t mind the late 90’s Canadian alt-rock gems, I was a teenager at one point too 😛
Reading: Annulé(e) – Réflexion sur la cancel culture, by Judith Lussier.
On the small screen: Deadly Class: visually stunning, but trashy AF. I’m glad I read the comics first, so I was ready for the incredibly bleak tone and gory content of the show. What a fucking shame they pulled the plug after one season though, I really liked it. Killer soundtrack as well! I also binged Midnight Asia and it made me miss food and people and events and the general concept of fun.
Listening to: See picture above 😛 Other than that, the new Billy Talent (Crisis of Faith), which has one of their best song but a lot of their worst ones -_- I found that Meat Wave’s (god that name) Volcano Park EP tugged at similar heartstrings than Billy Talent but did it better.
Artist: Wonderful, wonderful alariko. Their artwork is like therapy.